Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Surviving TEOTWAWKI Part 1 Intimate survival

For those few of you that are unfamiliar with what the acronym TEOTWAWKI stands for it means ; The End Of The World As We know It.

With the latest shenanigans of governments around the world I would humbly suggest we may be at that point. People across the world are becoming less and less accepting of the government's boot on their face and more inclined to take action. This is exciting and scary at the same time. Success means a higher level of freedom since the Age of the Great Dictators (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR and Hirohito), failure means a descent into a Dark Ages with the Banksters as overlords. The next ten years will define the future of liberty for a very long time.

The world as we know it ended about a decade ago, it is just that a titanic thing like the world economy takes time to go under (just as the the real Titanic went down, slowly at first but gaining speed with every second). Think about it for a second; the MENA is on fire with little prospect of settling any time soon, The EuroZone is desperately trying to stay one step ahead of default on a half-dozen fronts, the dollar in dropping like a meteor, China is playing games at dodging the economic collapse that will doubtless hit them.

Yup, the world as we knew it is pretty much broken to peices and crushed under the bulldozer of history.

So how do we prepare ourselves to push past this Era of Uncertainity?

The first thing that you have to consider is yourself. Sounds pretty damned selfish at first, but, if you are not there what good are your preparations or planning? You, yourself, are the first and foremost tool in bringing hope to your (and your family's) future. You must put yourself in order to survive against the hardships that are most certainly coming.

Ask yourself this; if you had to fight (literally fight) for your life do you think you would win? Would you surrender, and be a serf, rather than take the risk? Depending on how far down the hole of the Dark Ages we may go it might just come to that, how prepared are you? Let us consider how to be prepared for such an awful world (if it does not come to pass, well, at least you will be healthy and in good shape).

1. General Health: Take whatever steps needed to get yourself into decent health, make that doctor/dentist appointment. Eat right (yeah, i know, easier said than done, but at least try to). If you take medications be sure that you have a three-month supply and stay ahead on it, tell your doctor that you are planning an extended stay in a "troubled" country and that you want to be sure of your medications, they will often write a 90-120 day prescrition (if not get a new doctor). If you are not up to date on your vaccinations get caught up; there is little point in having put away a year ot two worth of food and supplies only to die of the chicken-pox a week after the balloon goes up. In any compromised future disease will return as the main killer. If your doctor offers an extended vaccination list for your trip to that "troubled" country you should probably take him up on it, viruses and bacteria do not respect borders. The disease that is killing people in other countries can very easily come here.

2. Fitness: I am not talking .01% body-fat fitness or marathon runner fitness. I am talking about being able to undertake a heavy day's worth of work without trepidation. Get to the gym, lift some weights, it hardens the bones and firms the muscles and inures you to some discomfort. Swim for the aerobic fitness, it doesn't batter the joints like jogging does and spreads the workload over the entire body. Walk anytime you get the chance. Working out will also point out any areas of weakness that may need medical attention (see point one).

3. Mental: I don't want to come across as some sort of "positive thinking" guru but the simple fact is that if the SHTF the endless selection of distractions that we now have will become suddenly truncated. You need to be able to keep you mind active in a useful manner rather than run the risk of killing yourself with stress. Virtually all of the self-help books you will find are crap, they were written to play into the various target markets of suburban psychosis. Feel-good bullshit like Dr. Phil won't help when the world has gone to shit and you are fighting for survival. What you do need to do is find your source of inner strength. Something that will keep you going and focused when all the chips are down. For some people this is family, others religion, some people will find strength in a desire to carry the torch of civilization into the future. Without it you will simply end up like an animal, living from day to day with no greater purpose than filling you belly. That is OK for dogs, not so good for people. Try to find a few good books by people that came from an earlier age, my favorite is The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, but I am an ancient history nut.

Once you have addressed these issues you can move on to the order of business, the physical equipment of survival. But that is another article.

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