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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love you too, Al

     The failed divinity student turned Global-Warming huckster, Al Gore, has recently announced that all of us (the brave, the wise, the sceptical)  AGW deniers that dare question his new religion  "will be shunned like racists". Nothing like a clear-headed and well-reasoned argument to win over those that disagree with you Al.

     I have always found a good measure of what a man believes is seen in what he does. The Man-Bear-Pig has just dumped millions of dollars (Nine Million dollars to be exact, earned by flying a carbon-spewing private jet around the world giving "lectures" about the dangers of AGW, that and the dividends from those AGW carbon stocks he owns) into a monstrous mansion barely a few feet above sea-level.

you can bet this baby has a carbon footprint like that of a small nation

      Scarcely the act of a man that is convinced that the seas will rise hundreds of feet in the next decade or so. Perhaps he plans on giving it to Tipper in the divorce settlement.

      Meanwhile the real scientists at CERN (you know those crazy guys that are concerned about nutty stuff like pure data, empirical results and repeatability of experiments) have announced that the variations of the stream of cosmic rays that come from the sun are responsible for most, if not all, global heating and cooling. I fear that they have discounted the amount of hot air coming from  D.C. but I may be mistaken.

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