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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Burning the Bridges in front of him...

     It is widely known that a desperate, retreating army will often burn bridges after they have crossed them to slow the pursuing victors. In the Obama Admistration we have just been treated to the spectacle of someone burning the bridges in front of him. They have become so frantic at the drop in poll numbers that they are willing to do anything to appear attractive to the general public.

     In a shamelessly transparent effort to appear populist they have brought a host of charges against the Banksters that they have spent two trillion freshly-printed dollars, and the last two years, bailing out of bankruptcy; what and this going into an election cycle when they will need an even bigger mountain of money to flood the airwaves with advertising. I am certain that this will not endear them to the money-men at those fine establishments. Stooges are supposed to stay bought, not seek to imprison their bosses.

     If this blow doesn't knock down the Zombie-Banking industry I can't imagine what will. As pointed out in the linked article there are a few notable exceptions, perhaps the Resident expects to collect big-time from the few banks still standing after the mega-liquidity-crunch that this will bring about. Or perhaps he is hoping to totally crash the entire system and then blame it either on the "Tea-Baggers" or the Dirty Joooos, or maybe the "Dirty Tea-Bagging Jooos". Finger-wagging, name calling and hating are the few things that this Resident has shown any enthusiasm for.

     Maybe the Banksters can swing a back-door deal (insert Bawney Fwank comment here) to have Holder personally prosecute them; that would almost certainly gaurantee that they are not convicted or penalized in any way.

      I am waiting to see if any of them actually end up paying fines/go to jail, this may just be a bit of populist posing that will all blow over soon.

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