Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Monday, August 1, 2011

And the Can has be Kicked Again!!!!!!!!!

     It looks like our math-disabled Congress has, after endless, pointless theatre, come to an agreement (is anybody really surprised by that) that raises the debt limit by over two trillion dollars. This is counterbalanced by cuts in spending of right around twenty billion this year and further cuts later on (as in after we have had to finance the spending and paid interest on it). This will, of course, save the country from the collapse of the ponzi scheme. At least until after the next election. Wonderful.

     Only in the wasteland of the intellect that is personified by any and all actions taken inside the Beltway could this make sense. $2,000,000,000,000.00 in further spending is clearly offset by $20,000,000,000.00 in cuts. I see it now more clearly. So I should pay my American Express bill by spending a further $2,000.00 because I won't be spending $20.00 next year. I am sure they will buy that line of thinking, maybe I should have the SecTres explain it to them.

     I know that I should be happy that people are actually talking about the hole we are in, that they are becoming aware (however dimly) that we are swirling downward in a whirlpool of debt. I just cannot bring myself to applaud the morons that got us in the hole in the first place. It would be like cheering the arsonist because he called the Fire Department after he set the blaze.

     In the end the D.C. beast will continue to grow while the taxpaupers are ground to dust. This most recent deal changes nothing but the time-line.

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