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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Monday, August 22, 2011

Numbers that I wish had waited a while

     Gold over 1900, silver over 44, man I wish they had waited a few months before taking off, I wanted to buy while they were still at discount prices. The bubble-heads on TV are spouting that PMs are in a bubble, I would disagree. Take a look at housing prices in the ten years before 2008, or take a look at tech-stocks before 2000, they look like that notorious "hockey-stick" that those Greenies keep yammering about. Now take a look at PMs over a similar period (OK I will post it for those to lazy to look it up on their own);

gold Technical chart [Kitco Inc.]

Silver Technical chart [Kitco Inc.]

     No hockey stick here, just a steady rise as the amount of fiat grows and each peice of paper becomes less valuable. Look at other commodities and the relative price (in fiat) of PMs is much more reasonable. The stuff you can't print has always had a much more stable relationship with PMs . Also remember that the USDX is weighted against other fiat currencies, they are all sinking in value, just at different speeds. Just wait until the Euro busts later thisyear/early next year and see what happens to PM prices, the scramble will be on for sure!

     I just wish they had waited a bit to go up, oh well.

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