Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love you too, Al

     The failed divinity student turned Global-Warming huckster, Al Gore, has recently announced that all of us (the brave, the wise, the sceptical)  AGW deniers that dare question his new religion  "will be shunned like racists". Nothing like a clear-headed and well-reasoned argument to win over those that disagree with you Al.

     I have always found a good measure of what a man believes is seen in what he does. The Man-Bear-Pig has just dumped millions of dollars (Nine Million dollars to be exact, earned by flying a carbon-spewing private jet around the world giving "lectures" about the dangers of AGW, that and the dividends from those AGW carbon stocks he owns) into a monstrous mansion barely a few feet above sea-level.

you can bet this baby has a carbon footprint like that of a small nation

Good News (or so it seems)

     This is something you may wish to follow; scientists at the University of Kentucky have found a simple to make compound that will split Hydrogen from Oxygen in water when it is exposed to sunlight. If this stuff really works we can say, "No Mas" to the oil barons of the world, actually build a "Green Energy" industry here in the US (as opposed to Obama's disasters like Solyndra) and maybe, just maybe, turn this ragged economy around. It wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in gallium nitride and antimony futures either.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Words of wisdom....

       So, after posting that last note I get home from work and find that Wretchard has gone and done me one (or two or three) better with this lovely bit of work; The Teahouse of the August Mood.

     I love his work, it is often of the same vein as the "Connections" TV series where a string of seemingly disparate ideas are strung together into a coherent and satisfying whole. HIs thoughtful and balanced views are a good offset to my opionated blasts as well.

Go there and see what I mean, now.

I mean it.


Reading Hayek

     I am currently re-reading F.A. Hayek's A Road to Serfdom. I first read this work when I was about fifteen years old (I had picked up the Reader's Digest condensed books version thinking it was about the beginning of feudalism) and it shattered the "central-planning is what everybody needs" propaganda that I had been receiving from my school teachers. The University of Chicago Press version is the complete version with a ton of extra notes and corrections. While reading it I am constantly struck by the thought that the current denizens of D.C. are doing so as well, except they are doing exactly everything that Hayek cautions against. The creeping socialsim and ever-growing power of the state in every aspect of our lives heads directly toward totalitarianism.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Classic Case.....

,,,,,,,,,of being careful of what you wish for. I apologize to everybody that lost money on the downturn in silver and gold. I wished they were at a lower price a few days ago so I could buy more. I never intended they tank like they did after the coordinated margin jumps by the SGE and CME. 

     I promise to keep my mouth (keyboard?) shut in the future.

     On the other hand it does present a great buying opportunity to those with dry powder.

A positive thought

        I don't know why but watching this young man do the seeming impossible just makes me smile. The level of skill, concentration, physical dexterity and confidence is something we should all aspire to.

     Sometimes we can get lost in the Doom & Gloom that our forebears have left for us to tidy up and we fail to notice the blue sky, the warmth of the sun and the scent of fresh air.Life will carry on, those of us who have prepared will do just fine.

     OK folks the rainbows and unicorns moment is over; Steve Jobs just resigned as Apple CEO, the COMEX just raised the margin on gold by 27% and Printing Press Ben is still fishing around in Jackson's Bunghole. I hope you have stashed enough food for a year and have a supply of all four precious metals; gold, silver, brass and lead. 

      It is rough now and we are still miles from the waterfall.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keynesians rebutted

      Jim Quinn at the Burning Platform offers this rebuttal to the efforts and arguments of the Keynesians, It is a longer read than most, but amply demonstrates his points and takes the spending like crazy folks to the woodshed. Really worth a read.

This is worth a look

I stumbled across this site today, it looks like it has a lot of good stuff, take a look. They have put a lot of thought into surviving the enevitable collapse. They move some different directions than the "hunker-down and wait for it to pass" mindset so common among the Doom&Gloom crowd. Worth some of your time.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Numbers that I wish had waited a while

     Gold over 1900, silver over 44, man I wish they had waited a few months before taking off, I wanted to buy while they were still at discount prices. The bubble-heads on TV are spouting that PMs are in a bubble, I would disagree. Take a look at housing prices in the ten years before 2008, or take a look at tech-stocks before 2000, they look like that notorious "hockey-stick" that those Greenies keep yammering about. Now take a look at PMs over a similar period (OK I will post it for those to lazy to look it up on their own);

Khadafy is dead?

The swirl of reports about the demise of Kahdafy senior and the intermittent detention of one of his sons shows the limitations of the 90 second news cycle. If they live on is of little import. If he had any sense at all he will have loaded as much gold as possible onto a freighter or airplane and split to go visit Col Chavez in Venezuela (what is it with colonels and becoming dictators anyways?).

     Italy, and by default the rest of Europe, has successfully (with loads of help from the US) saved the Libyan people from the iron boot of Col Khadafy, and in the process regained access to the light sweet crude they so desperately need. Too bad that the Syrian people don't have any oil, If they did some well-meaning and enlightened Western nation might come save them from the murderous thug that daily orders their slaughter. Alas, all they have is sand and a blown-up nuclear reactor, poor sods.

     In other news the rest of the world is still in full-retard mode, The BRICs are still trying to figure out what to do now that the US is no longer buying every bit of junk they grind out but are still complaining that we are printing money hand over fist (can't argue with them on that but we were buying their crap with that money). Printing Press Ben will soon make another of his meandering speeches in Jackson Hole about the upside of the ruination he has visited on the US economy while saving his bankster buddies from their own recklessness, Fukishima is still venting gazillion miliserviets of radiation into the air every second (you do remember Fukishima right?) while people prattle on about a few fractions of a percentage of a percentage of carbon in the air, I will gladly take the CO2 over radiation, thank-you. The stock market gyrates like a seismograph during an earthquake while precious metals climb ever skyward.

     In the meantime the Teleprompter of the Free World is busy building sand castles in that most proletarian of towns, Martha's Vineyard.

     Hey, at least he has one skill that he can fall back on after 2012.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just my thoughts on current PM prices

No doubt some of you are familiar with this clip

More will thinking this when markets open Monday and the S&P and DOW tank and the PM's skyrocket.

Rumors of a big hike in margins on Gold coming soon, they might take a poke at Silver as well, just for old-times sake. There are good reasons for them to wait until the prices look a little more frothy and then jack the margins on the coat-tails of good news (anybody remember what that is?) to get a double-plus-good effect.

I was hoping that Silver would stay tame until October as I little dry powder until then.

Keep Stacking.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A look at the future??

History doesn't repeat itself but it sometimes rhymes........

The Paper mark vs the gold mark;

The USD vs one ounce of gold;

Not the sort of poetry I would like to hear, but I am afraid we will get more of it than we like.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This doesn't need any humor

You get a smile when gold does this, no need for a funny baby.

Live 24 hours gold chart [Kitco Inc.]

And silver finally catches a bid, hopefully this will turn into a run-up like golds.

Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]

A little humor on a very dark day (for stocks, that is)

UPDATE: The friendly folks at E Trade made them take it down

The E-Trade baby is back and I think there are a few people that can commiserate with him.....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A rebuttal to some of the Fingerpointing Madness

     The events of the last two weeks (as inevitable, and easily predictable, as they were) has given rise to a wave of hysterical fingerpointing. All of The Powers That Be are busy trying to shift blame and create boogeymen to act as the fall guy for the recent unpleasant events, from the "Dirty Joooos" to "Commies" to "Right Wing Religious Zealots", but none have been the target of fire more than the Tea-Party adherents. This is because there is no more dangerous man in the world than one who wishes to NOT spend someone else's money on a pointless project. A commentor on The Belmont Club, Don Rodrigo, refutes the nonsensical allegations beautifully;

"One of the most outrageous and surreal aspects of the American branch of this world financial debacle is the attempt to blame the “Tea Party” for both the debt agreement and the credit downgrade. Insane. Exponential Mendacity.

More apt observations

Warning , not safe for work (unless your boss is totally cool) or kids (unless they are fourteen or so)

This woman has some very apt observations on our current situation. They should open every session of Congress with this song, it should play as background music in the elevators and bathrooms in every building in D.C. and be the "on hold" music when the useless bureaucrats put you on hold.

Because we truly are . Truly.

DOW -634

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A quick note, a long read

Busy this weekend so all I have to offer is this link, You will find many things to ruminate on while reading it, I have read it twice and am still digesting it.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Watch both hands carefully...they are out to steal your rights

     Magicians do the seemingly impossible by getting you to watch one hand while the other conducts whatever "magic" they are undertaking, they get you to keep your eye on the wrong ball. The high drama of the Budget kabuki hid the passage from  House Judiciary Committee (voted 19-10) of H.R. 1981, a bill that requires internet providers to retain records of every website that you visit. Essentially they are going to make the people that you hire to provide you with internet service spy on you (this will doubtless increase your cost as the the ISP will have to establish huge data banks to track all of the contacts). I was following the debt-ceiling nonsense all weekend and saw none of this come up. The Media seem unintersted in it despite having D.C.swamped in reporters, another classic "Nothing to see here , move along, move along" scenario.

Here is where some of that spending is going

Now that we have decided to piss through annother couple of trillion dollars because we are going to (someday) make tiny cuts in spending I thought you might want to see where that untouchable "money for low-income" is getting spent. Remember this is for people that have never paid in to the system but are living better than most of us. Doesn't hurt to be a reliable voting block, does it?

Welfare Housing in Tacoma

And the Can has be Kicked Again!!!!!!!!!

     It looks like our math-disabled Congress has, after endless, pointless theatre, come to an agreement (is anybody really surprised by that) that raises the debt limit by over two trillion dollars. This is counterbalanced by cuts in spending of right around twenty billion this year and further cuts later on (as in after we have had to finance the spending and paid interest on it). This will, of course, save the country from the collapse of the ponzi scheme. At least until after the next election. Wonderful.

     Only in the wasteland of the intellect that is personified by any and all actions taken inside the Beltway could this make sense. $2,000,000,000,000.00 in further spending is clearly offset by $20,000,000,000.00 in cuts. I see it now more clearly. So I should pay my American Express bill by spending a further $2,000.00 because I won't be spending $20.00 next year. I am sure they will buy that line of thinking, maybe I should have the SecTres explain it to them.

     I know that I should be happy that people are actually talking about the hole we are in, that they are becoming aware (however dimly) that we are swirling downward in a whirlpool of debt. I just cannot bring myself to applaud the morons that got us in the hole in the first place. It would be like cheering the arsonist because he called the Fire Department after he set the blaze.

     In the end the D.C. beast will continue to grow while the taxpaupers are ground to dust. This most recent deal changes nothing but the time-line.