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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Friday, April 1, 2011

So, what does a sixteen billion euro haircut look like?

Well, It is an Irish haircut for all of the bonds holders that may soon be getting one. Everyone's favorite Euro clone of Printing Press Benny, Jean Claude Trichet, is likely to be the first victim as the new government is not happy with the bail-out package (read that as tax-enslavement package where the proles give up a third of their annual income and end up deeper in debt after twenty years) and are flirting with the idea of haircuts all around. Now you would think that a guy with hair that looks like this:

would be happy with the idea of getting a haircut from a country that is as pretty as this;

But No! Alas, Mr Trichet is not happy at all. Most put out is he indeed! And Ireland can produce beauties like these with a little encouragement, you would almost be certain that Mr Trichet would at least want to give it a fling (OOPS! that is Scotch, a reille, or a jig.....whatever).

You, of course, immediately noticed that all of them have MUCH nicer hair than Mr. Trichet, so what is his problem? I am betting that they didn't pay anywhere near sixteen billion euros for their trims either. Just think how hopelessly HOT Trichet would be if he took the plunge, he would be chasing chicks away with a Thompson sub-machine gun!

It is sad to think that the Eurozone could collapse all because of the refusal of Mr. Trichet and his bankster buddies not wanting to get a haircut, alas the European mind (such as it is) is obscure to me.

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