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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A land war? In Africa?

The EU seems to have rummaged around in their grandfather's closet and found a set of balls. Now they want to try them on.

They have collectively decided to volunteer to send land forces into Libya to "support humanitarian operations" as long as they get UN approval (of course). The last time any significant number of European armies were in Libya they spent most of their time shooting at each other, not the Libyans. The last time the EU got involved in humanitarian actions on a biggish scale was Yugoslavia. They bollocks up that operation completely before sucking the US into the tar-pit. We have been stuck there since 1995, only now are we preparing to leave.

Having seen the carnage that the Euros are willing to inflict on the Libyan people just so they can buy their oil from someone who is not a "humanitarian threat" one wonders what things will look like when ground troops get involved in "...supporting humanitarian assistance in the region...". Hopefully the odd Libyan citizen (or two) will survive long enough to be the beneficiary of that assistance.

As Always; "No Blood for OIL"  yeah, right.

Anybody interested in starting a pool as to when our troops go in to "rescue" somebody in this mess?

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