Take a look at this note posted in the comments section over at Zerohedge by commentor Zacnick;
Ramblings on surviving the immolation of the fiat currencies and any other damned thing I think of
Favorite Quotes
"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"
"Party like its 1929"
"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"
"Party like its 1929"
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Further events in Syria
What, between the Royal Wedding, American Idol and the Birth Certificate Vaudville it is easy to forget that there are people all over the world getting gunned down by tyrants. Hate to be a downer (not really):
It is beginning to look as if Asad can't catch a break; while gunning down hundreds of his own citizens whilst bravely facing down the daunting threat of a sternly worded letter from the U.S. State Department he screwed up and sent the 5th Division to suppress the citizens of Daraa. Screwed up in as much as the troops in the 5th Division appear to have been recruited in and around Daraa and were less than enthusiastic about gunning down friends and relatives.
It is beginning to look as if Asad can't catch a break; while gunning down hundreds of his own citizens whilst bravely facing down the daunting threat of a sternly worded letter from the U.S. State Department he screwed up and sent the 5th Division to suppress the citizens of Daraa. Screwed up in as much as the troops in the 5th Division appear to have been recruited in and around Daraa and were less than enthusiastic about gunning down friends and relatives.
High Points in American Political Theatre
So the Resident has finally found his birth certificate, I think it speaks badly of his personal level of organization that it took his over two years find it. I mean, I am by far not the most organized person on the planet and I can find mine in about five minutes. I found it interesting that he timed the grand presentation of the document so as to distract the MSM morons and proles from The Bernank's semi-coherent babblings.
Surviving TEOTWAWKI Part 1 Intimate survival
For those few of you that are unfamiliar with what the acronym TEOTWAWKI stands for it means ; The End Of The World As We know It.
With the latest shenanigans of governments around the world I would humbly suggest we may be at that point. People across the world are becoming less and less accepting of the government's boot on their face and more inclined to take action. This is exciting and scary at the same time. Success means a higher level of freedom since the Age of the Great Dictators (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR and Hirohito), failure means a descent into a Dark Ages with the Banksters as overlords. The next ten years will define the future of liberty for a very long time.
With the latest shenanigans of governments around the world I would humbly suggest we may be at that point. People across the world are becoming less and less accepting of the government's boot on their face and more inclined to take action. This is exciting and scary at the same time. Success means a higher level of freedom since the Age of the Great Dictators (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR and Hirohito), failure means a descent into a Dark Ages with the Banksters as overlords. The next ten years will define the future of liberty for a very long time.
Keynes vs Hayek: Round two
This is great, musically it is pretty damned good as well, I loved it. Enjoy!
Keynes vs Hayek: Round 2
Why is it that you can get more info out of a ten minute video than twelve weeks of Econ Class 101?
Don't forget Round One if you missed it earlier
Hip-hop economists crack me up......
And don't forget the people that made it all possible econstories.tv donate if you can.....
Keynes vs Hayek: Round 2
Why is it that you can get more info out of a ten minute video than twelve weeks of Econ Class 101?
Don't forget Round One if you missed it earlier
Hip-hop economists crack me up......
And don't forget the people that made it all possible econstories.tv donate if you can.....
Monday, April 25, 2011
And the fiat world just keeps burning down
China has announced that it will divest itself of two trillion dollars in dollar demoninated reserves, these are to dumped into the market to buy real assets and fuel internal development. China has already reduced their exposure to US Treasuries and now they are bailing out of dollars.
Friday, April 22, 2011
I have got to get myself a few of these....
The ultimate in area denial systems (so far) is being built and used by the Israelis and South Koreans. Both nations live next door to psychotic cesspits of hate and need to have constant border security to keep the nutters away. As anyone who has ever guarded something can tell you there are few jobs more mind-numbingly tedious than standing around for days/weeks/months/years waiting for something to happen. These systems are designed to do all that coma-inducing standing about with the cheerful reliablity that computers bring to complex mathematical work, only bothering a human supervisor when an event of note occurs.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Just keeps going, and going , and going..........
Don't rejoice, it is your fiat money burning down (unless you have all of your spare assets in PMs, if that is the case; go hog wild and party!)
I am sure that this will work out just fine......
Reuters reports that Cuba has embarked on the path of reform and is trying to move past the Castro regime. To undertake the titanic task of bringing Cuba into at least the 1970s they have chosen the noted liberal thinker and reformer (wait for it) Raul Castro, Fidel's kid brother, and Jose Machado Ventura as point-men.
Syria and Assad play at doing magic
When one is watching a magician it is always important to keep a close eye on what both his hands are doing. He will flourish one hand while clandestinely using the other to effect the trick, confident that you are busy looking the wrong way. Assad is attempting the same thing in Syria. Reuters reports that he quite publicly announced the end to a 48 year long emergency law (half a century, that is one heck of an emergency) while at the same time having his security thugs arrest Mahmoud Issa, a prominent anti-governemt activist and gunning down twenty or so people since the weekend. He apparently hasn't caught on to the whole electronic media thing and doesn't realize that things get reported as they are happening these days and can be broadcast across the globe from a single cellphone.
One step further in Libya
Small Wars Journal notes that the BBC is reporting that the Brits and the French are sending troops to assist the Libyan rebels. Reuters states that an EU resolution to support a UN mission to supply Misrata with all 27 states supporting the effort. Even the Germans were in favor (after prior abstentions regarding involvement in Libya). The last time the Krauts entered Libya a guy named Rommel was in charge of things, it will be an interesting exercise in coalition warfare to see the Brits, French and Germans all on the same side without the US playing governess. Or, as the author rightly points out, is this just a way of leveraging the US to play along with greater efforts in-theater?
I am pretty sure this is how we got involved in Viet Nam, one drop at a time.
I am pretty sure this is how we got involved in Viet Nam, one drop at a time.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Tomahawk launch update
I looks like the Resident has realy left the NATO allies out to dry, first we pulled out our carrier, then we yanked any real political support, now it seems they have pretty much stopped launching Tomahawks at Col Quackdaffy's troops. In the mean time our stalwart allies in NATO are crying out for more precision munitions and attack aircraft to conduct operations. I am left to wonder just what miltary resources NATO has when the biggest armed forces in it (after the US) are stretched to take on a nearly defenceless Third-World nation like Libya. Perhaps because things are getting to be "old hat" sources are going silent on operations and it looks like the total number of launches are at 248.
Look away, nothing going on here, move along, move along.
Look away, nothing going on here, move along, move along.
Fooking Hilarious
I almost spit coffee all over my monitor because of this one;
The E-Trade baby learns about markets
And a theme song for the next few years (not safe for most offices-language) pretty well done video as well
Let us hope they take the advice
And the inevitable ExtraNormal video;
Inflation explained
I took Econ for a whole year but I got more out of this video
Hayek vs Keynes Rap Battle
I liked the baby best, have a great weekend!
The E-Trade baby learns about markets
And a theme song for the next few years (not safe for most offices-language) pretty well done video as well
Let us hope they take the advice
And the inevitable ExtraNormal video;
Inflation explained
I took Econ for a whole year but I got more out of this video
Hayek vs Keynes Rap Battle
I liked the baby best, have a great weekend!
Friday, April 15, 2011
The hazards of fiat
He looks like a kid but he is wise beyond his years, it is well worth the half-hour to watch;
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thar' She Blows
I bought today, I figured that would be pretty certain to put a top on it and then this happens, Oh Yeah!
That bright yellow arrow points at where I bought, for once it went up.
It will probably be $32.00 tomorrow.
UPDATE: Wow, it looks like $42.00 is forming as support line:
That bright yellow arrow points at where I bought, for once it went up.
It will probably be $32.00 tomorrow.
UPDATE: Wow, it looks like $42.00 is forming as support line:
Syrian situation changes
AP reports (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110414/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_syria) that Syrian Army troops have moved into the area of Banias, an act welcomed by the citizens as the Army was replacing the hated secret police units. Assad has also ordered the release of some of the protestors currently held in custody (however there is no statement of how many are to be released or how many are currently held - or on what charges). The question that comes to mind is this; Is Assad worried he will end up like Mubarak (who is now facing criminal charges in Egypt) or is this just eyewash to appease the dissidents so that the secret police can move back in after things have calmed down a bit?
Bashar is a complete bastard but seems to lack the decisive cruelty of his father. He is also rules right next door to Iraq, a land that recently executed their former dictator. There is significant cross-border traffic between the two countries and we must remember that Assad is a Baathist, a political movement with a long, bloody and hated record in both nations. Perhaps the Mad Optometrist sits uneasily upon his father's throne. I do dearly hope that the Mossad and CIA are both working the unrest in Syria to get rid of the Neo-Nazi thug that rules there, it would indeed be a happy day to see him overthrown a la Mubarak.
I admit that the internal politics of Syria are very murky to me, Joshua Landis has a blog that looks into the situation there at a higher level of detail than the MSM will ever deliver http://www.joshualandis.com/blog/ It seems that there is more than a little bit of a turf war going on among the power players in the governement as well as outside agents trying to start things. Be warned though, this is a University site and tends leftish (IMHO).
Bashar is a complete bastard but seems to lack the decisive cruelty of his father. He is also rules right next door to Iraq, a land that recently executed their former dictator. There is significant cross-border traffic between the two countries and we must remember that Assad is a Baathist, a political movement with a long, bloody and hated record in both nations. Perhaps the Mad Optometrist sits uneasily upon his father's throne. I do dearly hope that the Mossad and CIA are both working the unrest in Syria to get rid of the Neo-Nazi thug that rules there, it would indeed be a happy day to see him overthrown a la Mubarak.
I admit that the internal politics of Syria are very murky to me, Joshua Landis has a blog that looks into the situation there at a higher level of detail than the MSM will ever deliver http://www.joshualandis.com/blog/ It seems that there is more than a little bit of a turf war going on among the power players in the governement as well as outside agents trying to start things. Be warned though, this is a University site and tends leftish (IMHO).
Feeling lazy..
OK I am feeling lazy today, almost too lazy to read. Then I saw this: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/09/congress-taxes-irs.html from the L.A. Times, now I am too mad to do anything but go work out on the heavybag.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I just had to....
Normally I won't Cut & Paste stuff from other people's work but this was just too cool to pass up; From the TFMetalsreport a.k.a. Along the Watchtower (see the sidebar, visit the blog);
Sez it all.............
Sez it all.............
All so clear
The dilemma faced by the Resident's non-policy in the MENA is laid bare in another brilliant peice by Richard Fernandez over at the Belmont Club, definitely worth a read; http://pajamasmedia.com/richardfernandez/2011/04/12/a-goal-too-far/ Wretchard dissects the problems caused by Obama's pathetic need to be liked and his policy of making enemies into strategic partners. Be sure to dig down into the comments, there is brilliance to be found. One quote I will repeat here is so very indiciatve of D.Cs attitude toward the proles, Nancy Pelosi addressing the Republicans;
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Worthy Target Indeed
Unrest in Syria is on the rise, the government's response is gunfire. If there were ever a worthwhile target for unrest and overthrown it is the Assad family enterprise. The Associated Press reports that unrest has spread to the northeastern villages and government troops have begun shooting protestors see here; http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110412/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_syria
Monday, April 11, 2011
Witness the Power of The BenBernank
The comic-opera that is the US government demonstrated last week just how impotent they really are in their titanic struggle to trim some loose change from the behemoth Budget Monster. This insightful article over at Zerohedge shows how powerful The BenBernank is in relation to the US Congress. All I can say is; be afraid, very afraid. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/putting-it-all-perspective-bernanke-does-more-budget-15-minutes-government-does-year
Read it and weep my friends.
Buy Silver, before it hits $50
Read it and weep my friends.
Buy Silver, before it hits $50
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Back from Vacation
Wow, I take a week off and the world doesn't stop to wait for me????? WTF?
Highlights (lowlights?)
Highlights (lowlights?)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Interesting reading
If anyone hasn't caught on by now I will make it plain; I am a Silverbug. I think that physical possession of silver is probably the best way a regular person can insure themself against the monetary madness of the sort being played by the Ben Bernank.
Here is an interesting bit of reading for those who consider me a crackpot, others may be interested as well; http://www.scribd.com/full/52297403?access_key=key-1vfi15twx26hwk42itxq It is a report by Global Mining Research that is just chock-full of the sort of data you would want to consider befiore investing.
I know Scribd is a bit of a pain but I couldn't figure out how else to get this into the blog....sorry.
Here is an interesting bit of reading for those who consider me a crackpot, others may be interested as well; http://www.scribd.com/full/52297403?access_key=key-1vfi15twx26hwk42itxq It is a report by Global Mining Research that is just chock-full of the sort of data you would want to consider befiore investing.
I know Scribd is a bit of a pain but I couldn't figure out how else to get this into the blog....sorry.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Even CNN gets the truth out once in a while
Well, they didn't do it on purpose, but they did it all the same. From an interview between CNN on-air personalities and former CIA analyst. They seem unprepared and totally outclassed, and by the end frantic to get this guy off the air before he blows more myths to shreds. The Barbies' almost explode in the last twenty seconds or so. Fun.
I love watching the ohhhh soooo smug talking heads lose control of a situation, I know, I am a bad person for enjoying someone else's discomfort. I just can't help it.
I love watching the ohhhh soooo smug talking heads lose control of a situation, I know, I am a bad person for enjoying someone else's discomfort. I just can't help it.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A land war? In Africa?
The EU seems to have rummaged around in their grandfather's closet and found a set of balls. Now they want to try them on.
They have collectively decided to volunteer to send land forces into Libya to "support humanitarian operations" as long as they get UN approval (of course). The last time any significant number of European armies were in Libya they spent most of their time shooting at each other, not the Libyans. The last time the EU got involved in humanitarian actions on a biggish scale was Yugoslavia. They bollocks up that operation completely before sucking the US into the tar-pit. We have been stuck there since 1995, only now are we preparing to leave.
They have collectively decided to volunteer to send land forces into Libya to "support humanitarian operations" as long as they get UN approval (of course). The last time any significant number of European armies were in Libya they spent most of their time shooting at each other, not the Libyans. The last time the EU got involved in humanitarian actions on a biggish scale was Yugoslavia. They bollocks up that operation completely before sucking the US into the tar-pit. We have been stuck there since 1995, only now are we preparing to leave.
Unemployment rate down?
In a delightfully frothy piece by the NYT; http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42388296/ns/business-us_business by Jackie Calmes the assertion is made that the (heavily doctored) NFP Unemployement Rate figures released yesterday by the BLS allow the Resident new lattitude in his dealings with Congressional Republicans and add new force to the Left's arguments against further budget cuts.The direction of the article was underlined by the sub-title which is a quote from NY senator Chuck Schumer "This sign of jobs growth shows the president’s economic plan is starting to work" (oddly in the subtitle he is alluded to as a "democratic senator").
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tomahawk count day
As a reminder to all of my readers (all four of you) I will be trying to provide a weekly rundown on our "Humanitarian Assistance by Blowing the Living Crap out of Hundreds of People with Really Expensive Missiles" operation in Libya. It is almost impossible to get data on the number of "regular ordinance" (you know, mundane stuff like smart bombs, missiles, 20mm cannon rounds) as they seem to just blow through tons of that shit every day. They do like to report on Tomahawk launches though, so I will try to keep everybody updated on what Mr Noble Peace Prize is doing with your money.
So, what does a sixteen billion euro haircut look like?
Well, It is an Irish haircut for all of the bonds holders that may soon be getting one. Everyone's favorite Euro clone of Printing Press Benny, Jean Claude Trichet, is likely to be the first victim as the new government is not happy with the bail-out package (read that as tax-enslavement package where the proles give up a third of their annual income and end up deeper in debt after twenty years) and are flirting with the idea of haircuts all around. Now you would think that a guy with hair that looks like this:
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