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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So explain this to me again

We are currently (not) leading the assault against MadMummar Quackdafyy (or however you spell his name) in what is absoultely a War For Oil (notice the total lack of European protestors screaming  "No blood for oil" odd isn't it) to benefit Italy, France and the rest of the Euros. Don't get me wrong, Reagan should have finished that little turd back in the day, but of late he has been behaving himself. On the other hand the Revolt of the Week Club seems to have moved to Syria and our government has yet to mumble anything about it, despite civilians getting gunned down in the street by the Armed Forces just like in Libya.

It certainly isn't the highly photogenic revolt that Egypt hosted a while back, but it is a revolt/protest movement none the less. If we, as a nation, are going to get involved in monitoring/advocating/facilitating civil stife in the third world we should be thrilled by this development. There are fewer asshats bigger than Assad and his merry gang of goons. They are the puppet of Iran, enabler of Hezbollah and Hamas, overthrower of democracy in Lebanon and generally an unpleasant band of Neo-Nazi thugs. Our black-ops guys should be in there ginning up the mobs to put Assad's head on a pike as soon as possible. On second thought they should have been there already and be the source of this. But that would require that the Resident be thinking about World Events rather that his tendency to hook his drives on windy days.

Hopefully everything will work out OK in Libya and the Euros can get a nice, polite, docile dictator installed to assure them of their oil supply quickly. We can little afford to spend $500,000.00 a cruise-missle without an end in site (launches so far total 112, you do the math). Then, maybe, we can get back to sorting out the problems that we already had before this came along.

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