Silver and gold have a natural, almost fixed, value; so this chart is really just marking how fast the fiat currency is burning down. Perhaps it should be viewed this way;

Think of the green line as the value of the dollar moving against silver and you will see what I mean.
Even worse, take a look at the chart below, this is the Ten Year price chart for silver, imagine what that would look like inverted. This is what the Fed has done to the dollar, small wonder that nobody wants it as the Reserve Currency anymore.
I hope you have food and ammo ready, this could pop at any time. Remember that today the dollar was gaining strength and silver and gold both rose against it. People are beginning to prefer hard metal to Federal Reserve Notes. The Dollar is losing credibility; this is not a good thing for our economy, the international situation or our citizens.
If things in the KSA blow up oil could hit $200bbl with very little stretch of the imagination, think about what that would do to the "economic recovery". Maybe TPTB will open ANWAR and the Gulf and let us use our own oil before the collapse is complete.
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