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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Precious Metals to spike in May

I have heard rumors that the OTHER Precious Metals (better known as brass and lead) are soon to spike in price, so I did a little checking around and it seems that we can expect a bump of almost 10% by the beginning of Summer. Lots of things contribute to this; for starters, copper is a significant component of brass and prices have risen about 80% over the last year, lead has seen an increase as well. Added to the base cost of metals there is the fact that ammo is HEAVY and the cost of moving it about is subject to the cost of oil, which has seen a significant increase in prices over the last year. So get out and buy what you can afford before the price spike (doesn't that pretty much apply to ANY commodity these days?).

You will need some to keep your other PMs safe, don't scrimp.

Hat Tip to Mike B. for the lead (as in hint, not the stuff you make bullets with).

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