Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Two Things

WTF happened today to silver and gold spot prices? They shot up like the "mystery rocket" off of the California coast! They had been being beaten down for the last week or so, then like a bolt from the blue they did this;

I admit that I wasn't watching closely but that is a pretty darned steep climb! There are also persistent reports of significant gold and silver suppliers running out of metal. I should have got more a while back, oh well.

Tomorrow is the "Day of Rage" scheduled in Syria (gotta love the calm approach Muslims take to politics; Rage, really? not protest, march for democracy, or solidarity, it has to be RAGE!!!) we will see if this "Revolt against the Dictators" is for real or is only aimed at despots that happen to cooperate with the West. Hopefully this idea catches on and the rest of the enemies of peace and freedom get theirs in the coming weeks. Egypt remains a mess, I can't say that I was sorry when I saw that pompous ass Anderson Cooper get a little of the "street" the other day. Stupid, pink  journos that think that they can run around in other countries peeking at people like they were supervising lab rats has always rubbed me the wrong way. He needs to remember that his First Amendment rights stop at our borders. Dumbass.

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