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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mid East Madness

Boy, I thought that college basketball thing was over the top, now it seems that we have the Arab Revolt of the Week Tournament. Regardless of what the media and the half-wits that are running our foreign policy say it is quite apparent that the Old School of Arab despots is being pushed aside. From Rabat to Islamabad petty tyrants sit uneasily on their thrones, an inflection point has been reached and it seems a significant restructuring of the entire Arab World is in the offing.

As with all "fork in a road" scenarios a decision must be made, a path must be followed, whether for good or ill the choice cannot be unmade. That is the thing causing many furrowed brows in DC and Euroland, Western Democracies have long liked dealing with Third World despots because they only had to strike a deal with (or bribe) one venal egomaniac. When dealing with nations that had electoral processes (small matter how flawed) it is so much harder to develop a reliable "friend in the region". Heck, look at the trouble those blasted Micks are giving the EU (and they are supposed to be civilized, well sort of at least, one would think that nine centuries of being ground under a British boot would have left some semblence of an orderly society), so how could you possibly rely on the whims of those emotional darkies scattered across the sands of the Arab world?

The reactions of the Resident and his council are a perfect exemplar; they are trying to catch the gusts of political winds coming from the MidEast and sail both directions at once. As a result they look the fool, supporting the protestors (but not too much) and saying good things about the dictator (but not so much as to cheese off the protestors, you know, just in case they win). I think it amusing that The One was so good at hoodwinking the American populace and he can't even seem to get his own people on the same page when addessing the most momentous event in the Islamic world since the collapse of the British Empire.

Suffice it to say that the world will likely look very different two years from now as a result of these events, and the Resident will have had little or no positive impact on the outcome.

And this is the Administration that was never going to let a good crisis go to waste. Fail.

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