Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Friday, February 4, 2011


Having survived "Snowmageddon" here in Michigan with little difficulty (Snowmageddon, really, it was about seven inches, an inconvienience but hardly the event the media made it out to be) I was amazed at the hysteria that the MSM were able to produce by hyperventilating about that most unexpected of events; snow, in winter, in Michigan. Good God, what next?

The reaction of the sheeple was even more disturbing, the great mass of people acted as if this was an unheard of event, unprecedented even! They rushed to grocery stores and swept the shelves bare (it did provide an insight into how shallow the stock levels at grocery stores is, maybe one-two days worth) buying anything and everything. I wonder what they are going to do with the bread, milk and eggs they grabbed, I see a lot of French Toast in their futures. The simple fact is that most of it will end up being thrown away.

Being prepared means that you don't have to do such silly things, it means that you have foodstuffs stored that wil last and a few days cut off from the rest of the world is a welcome reprieve, not a fearful event.

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