Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How will the collapse look?

It would be the height of presumption for me to claim that I know what the Fall of Fiat will look like to those of us that are around when it happens (it could be going on right now) but I think I can make some educated guesses. To my mind it could go one of two ways; sudden collapse or a long, drawn-out grind to perdition; I call these two The Explosion and Sovietization.

     The Explosion presumes that TPTB (who have been working very hard to ensure that we go into Sovietization) lose grip on the levers of power just long enough that the proles wake up and notice the man behind the curtain. American Idol would no longer matter, nobody would give a shit about the MLB game and a full-blown panic would erupt. This almost happened in 2008, the ashen looks on the members of the elites showed that they thought that the game was up and the bovine excrement was going to impact the rotary air circulation device. Through titanic efforts and a massive level of taxpayer screwing they were able to put the brakes on hard enough to avoid a crash, but only just.

     The Explosion haunts the dreams of the elites, it means that they will lose control. The mere thought terrifies them, hidden somewhere behind their towering egos is the memory of Robespierre, a man that thought that he could ride the whirlwind to the pinnacle of power and ended up at the guillotine like so many of his victims. That is why they fight so hard to keep control. The Explosion would look like the collapse of the Weimar, but on a world-wide scale. Paper money and all the complicated tools that have been painstakingly built by the banksters since the Fed was established would be swept away. The poor slugs would have to actually earn a living (I confess that I smile at the thought of Bernanke working with his hands to produce something of value, OK it is more of a feral rictus grin, but you get the idea). No more fractional reserve banking, no more CDS, MBS or any of the other alphabet soup nonsense they have created to steal wealth from the productive and line their pockets. It would be sudden, bad and cruel to those who have not prepared. It would have the strength and violence to sweep away the filth that has accumulated in all the halls of power. It could end very badly, but at least offers the hope of correction.

    Sovietization is what TPTB hope for, the slow grinding of the proles, the endless reduction of rights and opportunities until we have been forced into serfdom once again. Kings did not pop out of thin air in ancient days, they finagled their way to the top and then spent their days snuffing out the exceptional to ensure their own enduring powers. Look at the likes of Soros, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Bernanke and their ilk, these are the creatures that would rule you and your grandchildren. They consider themselves above the law. The world they would force upon us would grow grayer and more hopeless by the day. The boot would press ever more powerfully upon our neck, squeezing every last drop of profit out before discarding us like rubbish. This is the world of George Orwell's 1984. Pick up a copy and read it (that is if you can find a copy, it doesn't seem to be taught in school anymore) how different is his world from ours? This future seems to offer little opportunity for redress, recalibration or the rekindling of hope. Technology and hunger would control the people, who would become little more than livestock all to the benefit of the elites, the new kings.

     I say bring on the Fall , the harder and sooner the better.

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