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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Boehner drops the ball.....

     The Republibums seem to be every bit as incompetent as the Demonrats. Boehner brought his Debt Ceiling bill to the floor only to find out that the Reps that had said "No Way!" actually meant it. He seemed baffled at such action by a politician, but then, they are new after all and haven't fully joined the Borg yet. Or, even weirder, they are actually representing their constituents. Such things happen from time to time, it is frowned on in D.C. circles (much like having sex with interns and taking bribes) but can be tolerated in small doses. When these types are present in larger groups the established elites suddenly find themselves confronted with a crack in the paradigm, the ground shifts beneath their feet and they get all woozy and feeling faint.

     "Something Must Be Done!" is shouted down the hallowed halls of the Capitol building, aides scurry about purposefully, media members chase prominent Reps down passageways waving microphones and shouting questions, they all behave as if they were on a ship that is sinking quickly. And Something was done, the recalcitrant newbies were called into the Speaker's Office, one-by-one, and berated as if they were obdurate children. These odd creatures, these Tea-Party Righties have something wrong with them though, they don't respond to the usual D.C. stimuli; petty bribes, threats of getting kicked out of the party, snubs, all the usual tools fail. It is almost as if they don't want to make a career out of sucking the taxpayer dry to feather their own nest.

     The Tea-Party members are now reviled by the press and both core parties as being the source of the problem with the Debt Ceiling and the Budget, and thusly the economy. Nobody points at the other 400+ Congressmen and Senators, nobody asks of the fifty years of reckless spending and money printing that brought us to this point, nobody remembers the insane entitlement programs passed by the previous Congress that has laden the future with an ever-increasing deficit. Nope. It is entirely the fault of those damned "Tea-Baggers" (a foul and depraved nicknamed assigned, no doubt, by someone intimately familiar with, and actively participating in, the named process).

   Beohner is an idiot for bringing this forward without the votes. Reid is a scoudrel for refusing to countenance anything but his own proposal. The Resident is a foppish buffoon without even the semblance of a plan (in this he is aping his Health-Care peformance, no plan, just urge the idiots in the Capitol Building to "do something"). The Tea-Party members, elected specifically to reduce the size and intrusiveness of government, are at least being true to the people that elected them and to their principles. Like them or not they are at least doing what they were elected to do.

     Perhaps the rest of the circus members should be asked if they are representing their voters wishes.

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