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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The world continues to go nuts

I wonder if my grandparents felt this way when the world fell apart in 1929?

There is constant noise out of Egypt with El Baradei flying there to lead protests (try to commandeer the coup, my guess) this is the same guy that couldn't find Iran's 400 acre centrifuge plant. One is left to dark wonderings as to who's side he has been on all along. The Muslim Brotherhood is standing back while the Administration and the rebels poke and prod each other, I am sure they will step in to "help restore order" after a good bit of blood has been spilled. Mubarak's family has packed up and split for England. The Muslim Brotherhood has long ties to terror and anti-Jewish groups like Hitler's Germany, if I were in charge of the IDF I would be in full disaster alert mode.

The situation in Yemen is slipping as well with protestors calling for the resignation of the President (no not Obama, Ali Abdullah Saleh) for a second day straight.

Reports out of Albania indicate that blood is already in the streets there with three dead during protests against the govenment, The spirit of unrest has jumped the Med and is alive in the Balkans again.  Hopefully we will be spared some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.

In the meantime both silver and gold continue to correct (with some serious pushes from the likes of JPM and the chinese) I am waiting as this is creating an excellent buying opportunity, I almost got some today when it started back up but resisted and, for once, was proven correct.

Richard Fernandez over at the Belmont Club has lots more news on the situation in Egypt (click on the link in the sidebar).

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