For almost a decade he had been on the run (that or just hanging out in his million dollar resort) while the mightiest nations on earth hunted him. He sent thousands to their death one fine September morning and then, over the following years (as if to compound the crime), sent thousands more to theirs in suicidal missions against the armed might of the U.S. and it's Allies.
Failing in those efforts he returned to his roots and went back to murdering civilians, London, Madrid, Baghdad, Kabul and a thousand little towns and villages known to far too few people in the West. He sent his pliable minions on their bloody-minded, hate-filled errands. No doubt rejoicing in every statistic of lives ruined, hopes crushed, children maimed, and old women murdered, he never risked his life to implement his mad schemes.
At least, when the shit hit the fan and Seal Team Six came calling, he stood up to fight (or run) so that we could be spared the wearisome drama of a trial. The world has been relieved of a festering tumor, sadly almost twenty years too late. Now what is left is to deal with the metastised tumors that have spread across the world, hopefully this can be done in an equally direct manner.
Of course this whole situation leaves more questions than answers. Answers to those questions will only be ours many years from now. It does raise some salutory lessons as well. In an age where we can kill some Afghan sheperd boy (who happens to be holding an RPG) with a missle form 20,000 feet and consider it an appropriate act of war why is it that we are shy about taking out the man giving the orders and providing the money?
The Brits had an "OOPS" the other day when dropping bombs on Crazy Col Kahdaffy (who was, of course, hiding behind some kids and skirts, how brave these bold Muslim warriors are!) and then spent the next few days backpedalling and saying that they were not attempting a targeted killing. First of all, nobody believes them; second of all, why would you deny it? third, how could you be such a chucklehead that you don't use a hot bomb?
Why, pray tell, is it OK to kill scores of poor slobs that got drafted into one of these despot's armed forces and not OK to go after the asshat in charge?
Col Kahdaffy is a holder of military rank, in effect, a soldier and thus a valid target in any miltary confrontation. The fact that he is an admitted terrorist, a sick butcher of his own people and an all-around rotten person just sweetens the deal. He should have been at the top of the list of targets from the first day, and should be there each and every day that this "humanitarian action" continues. He, and he alone, is the cause of the oppression that was the root of the UN Resolution.
Likewise Assad has been merrily gunning down unarmed civilians for the last two weeks (death toll over 500) untroubled by even a worthless UN Resolution. This has offended his OWN troops to the point where dissention has broken out in the ranks and they have begun shooting at each other. Yet the Mad Optometrist sits unharmed in his palace, a man known to be involved in the murder of the duly-elected leader of a neighboring country, to be supplying Iran's whore-like puppet Hezbollah with arms and logistical support, a backer of the genocidal maniacs of Hamas, and who was a short time ago building a breeder reactor on the sly. Here is a fellow clearly desrving a JDAM if ever I saw one.
Then there is everyones favorite "End of the Worlder" the only rarely rational Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He has armed thousands of bomb-wearing haters all over the world, sponsored terrorism across the Middle East, killed thousands of his own civilians, and attempted the overthrown of the governments of several nearby nations. This sanguine character is also busy buildng an atomic bomb "to generate electricity" and long-range missles while blathering on about seeking to meet the 13th Imam in a blast of blindng light. He and his crew of reactionary religious haters are dead set on trying to rule the Fertile Cresent, even if they have to kill every living soul to do it. The Allies in WW2 went to tremendous efforts to stop the Nazis getting the bomb, now we (with far greater ability to stop them) sit and negotiate with these vile murderous thugs to suspend development. JDAMs for the lot of them (here is your ticket to Allah buddy, one way only - hope you like Hell), I say.
One should not forget the most murdeous man in the Far East, that blood-soaked little shit; Kim Jong Il. He has been reposonsible for the starvation death of millions of his own people, the spread of nuclear weapons and missle technology, endless (and aimless) acts of agression against South Korea and Japan. On a per capita basis he makes Hitler, Stalin amd Mao look like pikers.
If a patient has cancer the doctor doesn't just start flaying away flesh hoping the cancer weakens and enters remission. The doctor directly attacks the tumor, cutting it away and disposing of it, then treating the affected area. So it should be with nations, if a leader is the source of a threat to our safety why kill thousands of his minions when a well-aimed bomb could solve the problem in an instant? A kind note to his successor, congratulating him on his promotion (including a complimentary video from the JDAM that his predecessor had an encounter with) along with an invitation to discuss the differences between our nations would probably meet with a friendly response.
The problem with this line of thinking is that our leaders would have to accept that the "dishing out" works both ways. That they might be the target of such an attack. I doubt that many have the brass for such an arrangement. Heaven forbid that the people start getting such wild ideas; that the leaders of a nation should work for the good of its people instead of their own enrichment.
That sort of thing could lead to a revolution.
Best to stick with the old tried-and-true method of pointlessly slaughtering the proles until the elites get bored.
P.S. Just think how different the world would be today if old Slick Willie had pulled the trigger on OBL when he had a chance all those years ago.
Different indeed.
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