2nD UPDATE: And now this, FEMA is looking for about 140 million (yes, million) food packets to stash in case the New Madrid Fault loses it's temper and destroys a big part of the central Midwest https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=eaea338540a0aea155a48a650a077352&tab=core&_cview=0 And my wife and kids think I'm nuts for trying to stock up on food and ammo!
BTW they are,looking for special underwater body bags as well, apparently they think that a lot of people will get washed away when the Missippi flows backward like the last time the New Madrid Fault got frisky (Google "New Madrid Earthquake" to see for yourself).
UPDATE: Now it looks like Russia will be imposing price-caps to try to stop rampant inflation (already at an annualized 9% and still going up). But sleep peacefully my children, Printer Supremo Ben is 100% certain that he can stop inflation in "15 minutes", this most certainly won't be happening here.
Well it looks like the world is taking that Mayan 2012 thing seriously.
The Irish have just collapsed their governement, the Lebanese are willing to sellout their country to Hezbollah just to give the UN Commission the finger and China is driving over the "cliff of inflation" at max velocity. Not that I should talk we are experiencing daily multi-billion dollar cash-printing events here in the U.S. as Benny and the Inkjets creates money faster than the Treasury can print T-Bills.
So where does that place us?
The Irish may just gather the balls to reject the EuroZone bank bailout/taxpayer enslavement plan. This would call into question all the "rescue operations" that are being contemplated for the other PIIGS. This will be fun to watch, in the short run Euro down/Dollar up means PMs will be cheaper here, get as much physical as you can afford. When the Euro blows up the Chinese and Japanese (who have been propping up PIIGS bonds) will take a hit. EuroZone bonds, yes even the good ones, will see much higher interest rates. This has significant implications for both the Banking Cartel and the survival of the dollar long-term as bank insolvency will need further bailouts and the U.S. government will not be able to service the debt (OK they can't really service the debt as it stands now, but the can will be MUCH harder to kick down the road if it has another several trillion in debt in it).
In non-economic news the Druze leader has chosen to side with Syria/Hezbollah against the UN Commision (which should have published its report AGES ago when it might have mattered) this almost garauntees a blow-up in Lebanon in the very near future. Even though Lebanon has no oil to speak of any spark in the tinderbox that is the Middle East will cause oil to skyrocket and economies to crash, if you think gas is expensive now think about what it will look like with a full-on shooting war going again.
China is fast running out of options when it comes to killing the rampant inflation that is crushing the working class, food prices are up 20-40% over the last, year and official figures put inflation at 5% or so the average Chinese is getting squeezed pretty hard. Options are raise interest rates or un-peg the Yuan/Dollar trade, the powers-that-be find both unpalatable and will probably wait until it is too late before taking either action.
All I can say is stock up on commodities, PMs and ammo, farmland if you can get it is nice too. Watch the PMs as they will drop when the other currencies are hurting/failing and it makes "getting physical" (cue the inevitable Olivia Newton-John clip; "http://www.youtube.com/embed/vWz9VN40nCA" ) easier, they will then take off as the bond vigilanties come after the US issues and the dollar fails.
Interesting times indeed.
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