Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Avoiding the collapse (or at least trying to not get any of it on you)

Being prepared is the thing. Think Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. Water, food, shelter, safety etc. How prepared are you? I can say that I am just starting (better late than never) and the more I think about it more I realize how much needs to be done. Particularly as I live on the edge of a major urban area (Detroit). Sort of a "nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide" sort of thing.

Water, even living in Michigan water is an issue. Metro Detroit is well-supplied with water and as long as the barest minimums of government functions continue it should pose a minor problem, failing that I have a stream nearby and decent supply of filters.

Food, I have started stocking canned and dry food. My family thinks I'm nuts but I am OK with that.

Shelter, my house is almost paid off and I hope to finish that ahead of schedule. It is in good shape and I try to keep things up as much as possible.

Safety, five family members with an extended circle of friends and family that are all advised to come to my place if TSHTF. Almost all are familiar with firearms. I own sixty rifles and twenty two pistols along with four shotguns and have upwards of 70K rounds of ammo so I'm OK there.

In the short term I think things will be OK.

Long term getting past the collapse of the moeny system will be attended to as best can, I have been buying silver for the last seven months and intend to keep at it.

All I can say to everybody out there is make plans, work at them. With any luck our kids will be able to laugh at us a decade from now and "remember when Dad kooked out over the end of the world".

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