Favorite Quotes


"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Now isn't that lovely!

My only regret is that I didn't buy more when it was selling cheap last spring.

UPDATE; Boy I go to work and return to find this:

Disheartening, but then one must keep in mind this:

It hurts less when I look at it that way. Too bad I bought two days ago and am short on funds now, ah well. I am still ahead, just that every dip makes me itch to get more.

UPDATE:  This is a later chart, looks like things ended well despite some efforts to crush the PMs prices. And I got all worried over nothing.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is what the most dangerous thieves in America look like

Why they are not hanging from a rope I can't explain.

These guys are the Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator and Communications Officer of the greatest Economic Crash in history.

If I could get a photo of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and The Ben Bernank all together I would should you the Air Traffic Control crew that directed them toward Mount Debt.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Take the time to watch this

Nothing ever said in an academic monotone has ever scared me as much as this;


He calmly explains why the world is going to go to hell in a handbasket. I am afraid that he is right.
Take the time to watch it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Black Swans, Regular Swans and the blindingly obvious problems coming soon to an economy near you

       I have been reading recently about the beginnings of the First and Second World Wars. In the course of this I noticed a distinct difference in the attitude of the political actors.

       Preceding the outbreak of the Great War everyong was certain that  war could not occur, that there were too many economic ties and political pathways to permit the explosion that the nations of Europe had spent the past decades building and traning for. Who would want war? Populations were growing but wealth was growing faster, science and technology were providing better ways to live and more leisure time for almost everybody and most of the continent was ruled by royal families that were closely related. Then Mr. Princip got lucky and managed to kill the Archduke of Austria-Hungary and, from that act, millions died. Later historians refer to the "spark that lit the powder-keg" but many people at the time felt that any war, if it happened at all, would be a local affair like the Franco-Prussian war rather than an earth-shaking event that is still sending tremblors through the affairs of men.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Silver vs Gold as money

Obviously they are both grand stores of wealth and are strongly resistant to monetary nonsense of the sort being played by The Ben Bernack, but which one is "better"? My money (literally) is on silver.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The best all-around guns for TEOTWAWKI

Being a bit of a gun nut I have owned a great many guns over the years (and own a fair number right now) most are collector's items but a good number are intended for self-defense. As an avid shooter and a police officer I have also fired/used/carried an even larger number of firearms. As a result I have had the opportunity evaluate these guns for performance, reliability, ease of upkeep etc. What follows is my (highly opinionated) list of guns for "the end of the world as we know it" scenarios;

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One of my favorite blogs

Over at the oddly named Pajamas Media news site is my favorite blog. It is the Belmont Club by Richard Fernandez, it reflects his musings on the world of politics, economy and society. I aspire to write with the clarity and wisdom that he can seemingly summon at the flick of a finger, I also aspire to be named player of ther year in the NFL, it is doubtful that either will ever come to pass.

Visit if you get a chance; http://pajamasmedia.com/richardfernandez/

Avoiding the collapse (or at least trying to not get any of it on you)

Being prepared is the thing. Think Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. Water, food, shelter, safety etc. How prepared are you? I can say that I am just starting (better late than never) and the more I think about it more I realize how much needs to be done. Particularly as I live on the edge of a major urban area (Detroit). Sort of a "nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide" sort of thing.

Just getting started

First post just a test