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"The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place"

"Party like its 1929"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Silver By Any Other Name ...

This article is the Handy Work of "The House Martin".  The owner of this Blog has given permission for this post, but should in no way be held responsible for the content of this post. 

For those of you who are interested in setting aside some silver there are a multitude of opportunities and options out there.  The classic system centers around the various one ounce rounds of pure silver (Eagles, maple leafs, and philharmonics being the most common).  However, this is certainly not the only option and I would argue not necessarily the best option. 

The “Philly-Leaf-Eagle” forms of Silver (here after refered to as “Phleas”) have several problems in my view.  First, they usually come with some sort of fee over and above the actual price of the silver resulting in the collector having to pay more than the “official” price for what they are buying.  I do not know about you, but it would irritate me to have to pay $6 for one of those infamous “$5 mildly warm and not ready” pizzas.  Second, because of the common knowledge of the basically instantaneously updated price of silver and the previously mentioned fees there is absolutely no possibility of ever scoring a deal when buying pure silver unless you get insanely lucky on Ebay.  Finally, while these bulk coins are certainly pretty and well executed and there is a ‘charm’ to having a hoard of the same thing (dreams of the Demi Moore bed scene from Indecent Proposal),  They really are rather boring when you think about them as a collectible item, especially once you know about the options. 

So what are these options you